200+ Coverage Ideas for 2021
This unprecedented school year is going to be filled with new coverage ideas we have never even thought of before. There also are hundreds of amazing coverage possibilities that are always there, but you may not have had room to get them in the book. This is the year.
Remember the 2021 coverage mindset is not what we will not be able to cover, but all the new, historic and exciting coverage ideas we can get in the book this year. You may even find yourself needing to ADD pages. Make 2021 the year of new, rich, deep, historic coverage.
Cover the year as it happens
The key to staying on top of new story possibilities is recording things AS THEY HAPPEN. Assign staffers to keep daily timelines of everything they observe going on – news, sports, politics, feelings, entertainment, etc. – then write a daily journal entry about what happened that day and how they feel about it. These will generate the most personal, timely and relevant stories for your student body.
I strongly recommend you read my blog, Instead of This, TRY THIS – Planning Your 2021 Coverage, which gives over 75 coverage ideas you can swap out in traditional sections or chronological coverage. Even though spring and summer are behind us now, which I covered in that article, it’s not too late to cover these topics if you can crowdsource photos.
To get an idea of some interesting topics, I did what I recommend all yearbook staffs do – I looked through other yearbooks for inspiration. If you are struggling for new ideas, here are 200+ evergreen ideas that six great yearbook staffs did in 2020. Think about how you can adapt these to fit your school and have your best coverage year ever.
Evergreen Topics
2020 Hauberk, Shawnee Mission East High School, Prairie Village, Kansas
- Summer jobs – what was different this summer?
- Vacations and staycations – where did you go or not go this summer?
- Welcoming new students to the school in the fall (Link Crew)
- Students who know sign language
- Students who have their own ‘zines
- Lifelong friendships
- CTE programs at your school
- Teachers’ classrooms and what’s found there with no students vs. with students
- Podcasts – Who has one? Who listens to what? Are they taught in your journalism classes?
- Favorite things coaches/teachers say
- What do you do after Friday Night Games?
- Projects at school using sticky notes
- Canned food drives
- Robotics
- Goals for the season
- Dictionary/Glossary for a sport or class
- Art – students as artists and their specific mediums (painting, drawing, ceramics, etc.)
- Chalk art
- TikTok – will it go or stay? Why you love/hate it? TikTok famous
- Global Warming – student involvement, interest and opinions
- Self-Care – what do students and teachers do for self-care?
- Playlists – what are you listening to?
- Vaping in decline
- Prescription and non-prescription drug use
- Stereotypes of the school
- Technology trends
- Masks
- Bitmojis
- Fears
- Bad luck stories
- Stress and pressure
- Coffee
- Room decor
- The sophomore slump
- Hair – styles, color, etc.
- What are you working on?
- Minecraft comeback
- Sunglasses
- Jobs you quit
- Disposable cameras and mini Polaroids
- Fishing and Hunting
2020 Wildcat, Har-Ber High School, Springdale, Arkansas
- What’s in your … car, backpack, lanyard, car mirror, amazon cart, pocket, trunk, keychain, junk drawer, photo album, DMs, cup, etc.
- Under one roof – parents, siblings, spouses that are a part of the Wildcat family, attending school with a sibling
- Earbuds
- Water bottles
- Opposing viewpoints and politics
- Glossary – student and school vocabulary (i.e. “spill the tea” “and I oop”)
- If you could be paid to do what you love, what would you do and why?
- What do you spend your money on?
- What we love about our hometown
- Your gaming community
- The role of faith in your life and faith-based clubs
- Serving your community – how and why do you serve?
- What’s in your sports bag?
- Playlists for sports travel road trips
- Competing against yourself, team vs. individual sports
- Virtual meetings with coaches
- What students create
- Hands on learning and inventions
- Words of advice (about a specific topic)
- Match the student with their socks
- Screen lock photos on your phone – why did you pick them and what do they say about you?
- Backpacks – how much does yours weigh? What’s in it?
- Streaming services – what’s your go to streaming service? (Netflix, Disney +, Apple TV, Hulu, YouTube)
- Match the Spotify playlist to the person
- What classes made coming to school worth it?
- What classes were best adapted to distance learning?
- What is your favorite fast food (a survey)?
- National Merit finalists
- High school to-do lists – what did you have to accomplish before high school was over?
- Teachers reflect on how not having a classroom affected their daily routine
- Teachers who have been at the school since day one (younger schools)/teachers who have been at the school the longest
2020 Lair Shawnee Mission Northwest High School, Shawnee, Kansas
- Top apps
- Born colorblind
- Soccer – favorite weather to play in
- Nicknames
- How “Cougar” are you? (question chart – follow the path to your final determination: Do you even go here/You’re Cougar enough/Super Cougar)
- Impulses – do the unexpected
- Two sides to technology – which side are you on?
- Plastic pollution – are you contributing?
- I don’t want to grow up – students question the future
- Student battling cancer
- Anxiety – put yourself in other’s shoes
- Lockdown drills
- Music – favorite music genre, top songs of the year, playlists
- Art – expressing yourself
- The cost of playing sports
- Out of the ordinary jobs
- Profile on the sports announcer
- Pandemic timeline – what happened in your community?
- Parents and children of teachers who are on the pandemic front lines
- Staying positive
- Highlights of athletes’ careers
- Teachers who attended your school
- Where and when are you most productive?
- What freshman stereotype do you hate the most and why?
- Who do you look forward to seeing most every day?
- If you could switch lives with one of your friends, who would it be and why?
- What has been the best part of high school so far and why?
- Early bird or night owl?
- Who makes the best pizza?
- What is your favorite thing about yourself?
- What world record do you think you could break?
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Are you still crushing on them?
- What is the grossest food combination you have ever tried?
- If you could live forever, would you?
- Who is your underclassman crush?
- What is one thing you wish you knew before you started high school?
- Who or what has had the most influence on you in high school?
2020 The Lion McKinney High School, McKinney, Texas
- Painting parking spots
- Fixing up your own car
- Spirit posters
- Places students gather after games
- Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity
- Students(s) who earned full-ride scholarships
- Voting for the first time
- The power of notes
- Popeye’s vs. Chick-fil-A (food wars)
- Seniors share photos of how they have changed in high school
- Decals on your laptop
- AirPod cases
- Senior slang
- What do you want to be remembered for?
- What do you need the most?
- What is your sleep schedule?
- AP vs. Dual Credit
- What do you keep in the back of your car?
- Show off your keychain/lanyard
- How do you get your money?
- Your perfect concert lineup
- Your favorite viral songs
- Your Mario Kart character
- How much time do you spend on your phone?
- Last photo on your camera roll
- Favorite Netflix binge
- What’s in the teachers’ workroom fridge?
2020 Aerie Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida
- Taking College Tours
- School Policy Changes
- What’s in your backpack? (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior)
- College Application process
- Favorite video games/platforms
- Mental health issues (anxiety, ADHS, Depression)
- What do you binge?
- Favorite foods, places to eat
- Student Athletes commit to college
- Holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. – each can be its own spread)
- Gingerbread house building in culinary
- Local holiday parade
- Preparing for midterms/finals
- Winter Break – what did you do?
- Conspiracy theories
- Ride sharing services
- A day of service
- A day of memory
- College fair
- Celebrating honor roll students
- Fight against cancer
- Twins
- Getting your wisdom teeth out
- Favorite senior moment/favorite underclass moment
- Most popular first name at your school “All About Alex”
- Best Memes
- Squads – people you hang out with, favorite memories and activities together
- New construction
- Screen/Phone addiction
- Junior stress over college
- How have you volunteered this year?
- New stores and restaurants in your town
- Which assistant principal are you?
- Coaches’ favorite moments of the year
2020 Arena Legacy High School, Mansfield, Texas
- Student vacations during the year
- Month-by-month news
- Decade review
- Things you didn’t know about Legacy
- Random things found in classrooms
- What happens after school hours?
- After school tutoring
- Balancing school and work
- What happens at lunch?
- What’s on the school menu?
- Pets
- Routines – what do students do every day at the same time?
- Phones and their significance
- What’s your style?
- The art of makeup
- Fundraising
- Practice/Practice Essentials
- Managers and trainers
- Gameday traditions
- What happens at halftime
- Rivalries
- Parent contributions to teams
- PTA contributions
- Team moms
- Student Art
- Been there, done that, got the T-shirt
- Volunteering at local schools
- 20 interesting people
- Planning for college
- Senior projects
- Prices of items this year
- Top 20
- Private vs. public school
- What’s your side hustle?
- Getting extra credit
- Early graduators
- Studying strategies
- Volunteering at church
- First car
- Favorite things
- Things you must have
- Two truths and a lie
- Beekeeping
- Teachers who were students at the school
You know your school and community better than anyone. You and your staff can brainstorm 200 more great coverage ideas for 2021 that need to be part of your book. Just get started!