NSPA announces winners of its 2016 individual contests in Indy
The National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) announced the results of its 2016 individual contests this past weekend at the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Indianapolis. Several staff members from Walsworth Yearbooks schools had previously been nominated as Finalists.
Design of the Year
Michael Hamilton of the Hauberk staff from Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, Kansas, was named the winner of Design of the Year contest, Yearbook Page/Spread category, for his spread on the Kansas City Royals World Series parade.
Also in Design of the Year, Nicole Stuessy from McKinney High School in McKinney, Texas, finished ninth; and Susan Wang from Arrowhead Christian Academy in Redlands, California, finished 10th.
Picture of the Year
Katherine Oung from Bak Middle School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida, finished second in the Picture of the Year contest, Junior High/Middle School category. Also from Bak, Isabella Ramirez placed eighth.
Two photographers from McKinney High School placed sixth in their categories – Isaac Phillips in News Picture and Michael Gutierrez in Sports Reaction.
Angelina Gurrusquieta from Haltom High School in Haltom City, Texas, placed fifth in Feature Picture. Wallace Li from Arrowhead Christian Academy finished ninth in Sports Action.
Story of the Year
Heather Rollins and Brandon Lee from Bak Middle School finished fifth in the Story of the Year contest, Diversity category, for their article in the Masterpiece yearbook on various forms of volunteer and charity work Bak students performed during the school year.
All the winners of each NSPA individual contest can be found by visiting the NSPA website.
Tag:Award Winners, JEA/NSPA