
Your Walsworth Yearbooks Sales Representative has identified you as a first or second year adviser who would like to have an experienced adviser as a mentor.

Welcome to your first or second year as a yearbook adviser. We at Walsworth Yearbooks want to help you be as successful as possible and can provide you the expertise of an experienced mentor.

The Adviser Mentor Program provides you with a mentor to help you navigate your first or second-year advising. These experienced advisers offer you their unique perspective, experience and love for yearbooks and will help with topics such as:

  • Setting and meeting deadlines
  • Grading
  • Working with the school’s administration
  • Working with parents
  • Providing advising tips and tricks from your experience
  • Offering monthly encouragement through every step of the process

What we expect from your mentor:

They will make at least one contact each month with you. Contact can be a text message, an email, a call or a chat over coffee.

What we expect from you, as the mentee:

When your mentor contacts you every month you will respond that you have received their contact. Of course, you can do much more and we hope the relationship will grow beyond this level of response.

In the past we’ve had mentees who didn’t respond to their mento in any manner. We don’t want this issue in the 2024-25 school year.

What you can expect from us:

  • Communication from Jim Jordan, program ambassador
  • Direct access to Jim Jordan for advice, assistance and support
  • Surveys and regular check-ins, so we can help make your relationship with your mentor productive.

Please complete the form below to confirm your acceptance to be a mentee.