Boost your sales during National Yearbook Week
We all know marketing your yearbook is essential when it comes to hitting your goals in sales. However, it can be overwhelming to create a plan during upcoming deadlines and proof cycles. We have you covered with several resources and strategies to make marketing the book easy and fun.
The first step is selecting a student to be the marketing manager on your staff. This person will be responsible for overseeing marketing efforts to get the word out to your community. Choose a student who is outgoing and willing to take initiative. If you feel like there may not be a fit currently on your staff, consider finding a student in DECA or another club who may be interested.
See our marketing items available to you on our Marketing Your Book page at walsworthyearbooks.com/marketing. We’ve made it easy by categorizing our resources into Marketing to Students, Marketing to Parents, Marketing to Businesses and more. You’ll find helpful materials for both digital and traditional marketing throughout as well!
Where do I start?
Our Pick 6 Marketing Menu is the perfect place to begin deciding which tactics are best suited for your school. You will find 10 different strategies that are guaranteed to spread awareness and increase your sales. After reading each one, determine which six you and your marketing manager feel comfortable putting into action.
In today’s world, having a strong social media presence is a must. Our Social Media Calendar provides daily posts designed to increase engagement with your community. To make planning these posts even easier, use a social media site such as Hootsuite or Sked Social to schedule them in advance.
Learn the basics of marketing and start creating your sales plans with our “Engage Your Audience and Sell More Yearbooks with Strategic Marketing” unit from our Yearbook Suite curriculum.
Find Inspiration
Check out how other schools engage students through social media, advertise to their buyers and more in our Creative Ideas for Selling Your Yearbook eBook.
For more ideas and examples of effective marketing, watch our 10+ Secrets of Successful Marketing webinar from this summer’s Adviser Academy.
We can’t wait to hear how you’ve been marketing your yearbook so far this year! Share your ideas in the comments below or send an email to marketingyearbooks@walsworth.com. We would love to feature your school’s successes in our blog and across social media!