By now, you should have received your 2023 Planning Kit, but especially for those new to yearbook, you might not be familiar with the items inside or know how to use them. We’ve got a breakdown of what’s inside and how it will help you. What is a Planning Kit? The Planning Kit is your survival toolbox for all things yearbook. …
Whether You are a New Adviser or a Veteran You know the value of getting your staff working the moment they walk in the door. We wanted to help you do just that. Over the last several years, Walsworth Yearbooks has hosted more than 50 informative webinars covering dozens of topics, each with guest presenters and a wide range of …
When approaching the new school year, the Walsworth Training Resources page is a great way to kickstart your planning. Whether you are a brand new or veteran adviser, the content for marketing, curriculum and professional development keeps you organized and efficient in your preparation. You can find everything from back-to-school checklists, social media graphics, webinars, eBooks, spread and cover examples …
Who doesn’t love a good folder hack? Utilizing a folder system for your staff to keep important documents will provide you and your team with a one-stop-shop for all things yearbook. Here are some essentials you need to consider for your staff folders. Folder Types Folders with pockets are ideal for this system since you will be storing sticky notes …
Updated by Walsworth Yearbooks Grading the yearbook is difficult and often leads to more questions than answers when designing a curriculum to meet your school policy. Without traditional assignments and exams, the bulk of the grades focus on the deadlines leading up to the finished product of your yearbook. This can be achieved by dividing assignments into four categories: weekly, …
Jumping into work on yearbook is exhilarating, exhausting, fun and maybe even a little confusing. What are all these words, phrases and acronyms you’re hearing, such as colophon, folio and CMYK? We’re here to help! Use this handy list to learn commonly used yearbook terms and avoid confusion when talking to fellow yearbookers or your yearbook company. Black and white: Items …
If you haven’t already, be sure to listen to the excellent season two bonus episode of Ask Mike. In the episode, titled “How Do I Create a Podcast?” Mike Taylor, CJE, and guest Samantha Jo Berry of Bridgeland High School in Houston, Texas, discuss the many benefits of adding podcasts to her journalism class curriculum. Whether the podcast stands alone …
It’s the time of year when many yearbook staffs are finishing their books. The only problem? There are still months left in the school year! If you’re looking for a journalism skill-building activity for your yearbook staff, Mike Taylor, CJE, has an option for you: podcasts! The possibilities of scholastic journalism keep expanding, and many schools are turning to podcasts …
We know that grading a yearbook class isn’t always straightforward. There’s so much to consider and many factors you don’t have in other classes. We’re here to help with our newest resource for yearbook advisers, Sooo… How am I supposed to grade a yearbook class? Download your copy to learn from four experienced advisers who have found the system that …
In a yearbook utopia, the new teacher would have a journalism degree, take photos like a pro, be able to manage a group of teenagers with aplomb and truly understand the importance of deadlines in the production of any publication. In reality, though, the yearbook adviser many times has little or no publishing experience and only lasts an average of two years. Following these tips can lead to happier advisers who stick with the job.