As yearbook advisers and student journalists, it is crucial to uphold the highest standards of ethical photojournalism. In a world where photo manipulation has become increasingly prevalent, maintaining the integrity of visual storytelling is paramount. The latest Walsworth Training Video, featuring veteran yearbook adviser Jim McCrossen, provides invaluable insights on the art of photo cropping and the ethical considerations that …
Yearbook advisers and staffs are constantly navigating the tricky waters of copyright when it comes to yearbook themes, designs and copywriting. This is a major focus of the latest Walsworth training video and episode of That Yearbook Podcast. Here are some key takeaways that all yearbook staffs should keep in mind: Themes and Inspiration When approaching popular culture in your …
I’m incredibly proud to say that I’m a teacher. I’m lucky to teach photography, graphic design and journalism – subjects that many other publication advisers do as well. “Oh, the fun stuff!” is usually the response whenever I tell someone this. I do teach the fun stuff, but that doesn’t mean that advising student publications is always giggles, sunshine and happy …
I used to have a recurring yearbook nightmare – that when I died, every word in the 35 yearbooks I advised that was not completely accurate would turn red and would expose how much students made up. To avoid that potential embarrassment, I tried to create a culture with my staff that championed the essential importance of having journalistic integrity …
Few high school journalists have a keen understanding of libel law, but not knowing may put your publication and reputation at risk. Do study up on libel, but you can also use these five tips to remember the main points of how to avoid libel.
Many yearbooks depend upon advertising revenue to sustain financial integrity. It is important they have policy that guides business operations, advertising content decisions and ethical judgments.
For yearbook students and advisers, awareness of legal issues is essential in balancing rights with responsibilities. They need to know media law and how to find out more about media law.
What’s the big deal about libel and school yearbooks anyway? In the history of the United States, there is no reported court decision anywhere that a high school has been held libel for content printed in its student media, according to the Student Press Law Center in Arlington, Va.
When it comes to libel, the law does not have a sense of humor.
A doctored photograph showing a classmate exiting a pornographic bookstore may be meant as a joke, but when the boy’s mother sees it in the yearbook, she will not be laughing. Neither will the court.
A yearbook editor I knew was proactive in guarding against ethical abuse practiced by anyone on the publication staff. On the first day of school, she had each staff member complete a questionnaire, and she reviewed the answers at each deadline when copy and layouts were submitted.