As yearbook deadlines are on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to boost sales and make sure your yearbook is in the hands of as many students as possible. That’s where creative, unconventional marketing strategies come in. In our latest Timely Tips content, we’re sharing a yearbook marketing lesson plan that focuses on guerrilla marketing techniques designed to capture attention …
While attending the Fall 2024 National High School Journalism convention in Philadelphia, the Walsworth team met Kimberly Allen, a 16-year old copy editor for Hanks High School in El Paso, Texas. Kimberly, a clearly talented yearbook enthusiast, enjoyed finding ways to grow their audience on social media and promote their yearbook. We asked Kimberly what wisdom she would impart to …
In today’s digital age, social media is one of the most powerful tools for reaching and engaging your school community. Whether you’re a yearbook adviser or marketing coordinator, leveraging platforms like Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) and TikTok can help you not only promote your yearbook but also create lasting connections with students, parents and your community. The …
National Yearbook Week is the perfect time to not only celebrate the rich tradition of yearbooks but also to boost your sales and get more students involved. Whether you’re a seasoned adviser or just starting out, this is your chance to drive excitement, connect with your community and make your yearbook a must-have for every student. Here are some proven …
Encouraging school groups to submit group senior yearbook ads in addition to selling individual senior ads provides a great way to keep revenue coming in year after year. About 12 years ago, the band boosters asked if they could do an ad for all the band seniors. One mom took charge, communicated with me, organized the photos, and got all …
Our school is located in an isolated, rural, coastal community with a huge summer population of visitors and beautiful natural resources. In the two years I have been in charge of the yearbook, we have experienced sales growth that can be attributed to our commercial advertising on our weekly student news productions. Each Friday, our student-produced weekly video announcements air …
Rolla High School just celebrated its 76th volume of the Growler yearbook, and the local business community has been one of our biggest supporters over those past seven decades. When I accepted the role of yearbook adviser in the fall of 2022, I excitedly collected and displayed books from years past. The display garnered the attention of many passersby, and …
Your staff has been hard at work this year to produce a publication that your school will be proud of, but without a strong marketing plan to support yearbook sales, you’ll fail to meet your bottom line and miss out on the opportunity to share the book with the people it was meant for. Your marketing efforts are key to …
It’s officially the first week of October, which can only mean one thing: National Yearbook Week is finally here! We couldn’t be more excited to kick off the week-long celebration of all things yearbook from Monday, Oct. 2 to Friday, Oct. 6 and shine a spotlight on the incredible work that our talented students and advisers put in all year …
TikTok is a constantly evolving video-sharing app that has grown in popularity over the past decade. Users share and post videos containing content that ranges from choreographed dances to live video streaming to educational tips and tricks. According to The Social Shepard, 49.4% of TikTok’s users in the United States are ages 10-29. With over 1 billion active users, TikTok …