Yearbook staffers from Walsworth Yearbooks schools took the top prize in two of the three categories when the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) announced the winners of its Junior High/Middle School contests this past weekend at the virtual Fall National High School Journalism Convention. In Photo of the Year, Bailey Brummer from the Oro staff at Cactus Canyon Junior High …
Landry Raymond’s candid image of two soccer players going after the ball won first place for McKinney High School in the Sports Action category of the National Scholastic Press Association’s (NSPA) Photo of the Year Contest when results were announced this past weekend at the virtual Fall National High School Journalism Convention. Raymond’s top prize was one of four finalists …
The Lion yearbook staff from McKinney High School in McKinney, Texas, was named a Finalist four times when the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) announced the Finalists in its 2020 Photo of the Year Contest earlier this month. McKinney’s Elizabeth Chan led the way by being named a finalist twice, once in the Feature Photo category and once in the Sports …
Did your school cancel picture day this year? Even if it’s being held, will every student be there? If you’re outsourcing your school portraits, you don’t have to sacrifice quality. Walsworth Yearbooks sales representative Alex Wilson, M.S. Ed., shared tips on how to take great school photos from home in two videos – one for portraits taken in outdoor settings …
This year holds unprecedented challenges for capturing socially distanced yearbook portraits for students in school, learning virtually or doing a hybrid of the two. Walsworth has the solution. We’ve partnered with High5.ID to offer Selfie Portraits, an innovative and simple approach to school portraits if you can’t get your regular portraits taken. Our Selfie Portraits let you easily host a …
Unless you’re extremely lucky, you probably don’t have enough DSLR cameras for every photographer on your yearbook staff. You figured out a system for sharing and it was working pretty well until COVID-19 hit. Now you have to worry about more than just making sure the equipment is returned in time for your next big event. We’re thinking about germs …
Sure, we’d love every outdoor event to occur during a 70-degree golden hour with a light breeze that fades into a magical sunset, but the reality is that rain happens. And this year in particular, we must take advantage of every opportunity to get sports photos, rain or shine. Just because you feel a few sprinkles doesn’t mean you get …
In this digital world we find ourselves living in, pictures become more important than ever. They help people stay connected, even when they are miles apart, and up to date with what’s going on in the world. For yearbook, pictures tell the story of the year in a way that draws readers into your book. They educate, entertain and document …
Walsworth Yearbooks received thousands of entries for the 2020 Photo Contest, and judging them was no easy task. In a year when it would have been easy to both figuratively and literally stay at home, yearbookers across the country stepped up to the plate to show us their finest work. The top prize winner in each of the 10 categories …
Simple techniques for moving your photography from short-term to long-term memory We all have images forever embedded in our long-term memory: a childhood photo, our high school prom, an image from a major historical event (a recent immigration photo of a young father and his daughter lying dead in the Rio Grande or a shot from 9/11 of people fleeing …