Help your student photographers improve with plenty of practice and informal and formal critiques When it comes to photographers, it can be hard to know how to help them grow and how to keep them motivated. There is no panacea. Trust me, if there were, I’d have bottled it and sold it for some serious money. There are, however, several …
It started with an idea – we wanted to show off some of the great photos Walsworth Yearbooks received from our annual Photo Contest the past couple of years. We also know it’s not always clear why we think a photo is great. That’s how the eBook 100+ Great Yearbook Photos that Caught Our Eye and Why was born. We …
The 2017 Photo Contest ended up becoming the largest ever for Walsworth Yearbooks, with more than 4,400 entries. Thank you once again to all the talented yearbook photographers who entered! Congratulations to this year’s top prize winners, who are each winners of a $100 Visa gift card, an award certificate and a letter from Don Walsworth: Academics – Mary Kress, Hinsdale Central …
Students need to select the best story-telling photos for their spreads. The advice here will help your students with their remaining deadlines, or if your book is complete, can be used to train your next staff. At a major school event, hundreds of photos may be taken in just an hour. After you’ve sorted out the good from the bad …
Many freshmen walk into high school on the first day without that one class, teacher or group that provides a sense of belonging. Besides creating an amazing yearbook our school can be proud of, my goal as a yearbook adviser has always been to give my students a place to belong in junior high. Another goal of mine has been …
Expensive staff cameras and lenses will produce the best photos. However, a staff member may come across a good photo opportunity and not have a staff camera with them. Help your students to understand that the camera they have in hand is the best camera, which would be their smartphone camera. Just because most students use their smartphone cameras all …
So you have a photo assignment for your publication and your teacher says get some “candid shots.” Well, you know how to take a selfie, but what is a candid shot? And is there a button on your camera for it? Candid photography means no posing of any kind. We are so used to posing for selfies, saying “cheese” or …
It was another spectacular year for the Walsworth Yearbooks Photo Contest! The 2016 Photo Contest once again drew more than 3,700 entries. Thank you to all the talented yearbook photographers for submitting their outstanding work. Congratulations to this year’s top prize winners in each of the following categories: Academics – Jacob Moscovitch, Westlake High School, Westlake Village, California Clubs/Organizations – …
Has your staff taken the group photos for the yearbook yet? Lining up group photos for all the clubs and organizations in your school is typically no small feat. It requires a plan. Fortunately, we’re here to help with such a plan! Robert Haar, the yearbook adviser at Thousand Oaks High School in Thousand Oaks, California, wrote this post for …
Walsworth’s 2015 Photo Contest was our biggest contest to date and the number of amazing photos we received was absolutely outstanding. Thank you to all the amazing yearbook photographers who entered!
We received more than 3,700 submissions in this year’s contest – that’s a ton of awesome images. Without further ado, congrats to the following winners…