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"Same, But Totally Different"
El Roble Intermediate School
Jessica Spinella
Katherine Truttmann
Walsworth representative:
Monica Loera
Additional Details:

The El Corazon staff did an excellent job tying the roundness of their headline font with their theme visuals throughout the book. The font lent itself to circles, which they used in an appropriate fashion, like in the “For the Love of Yearbook” sidebar on pages 64-65. What I loved was they didn’t hit the reader with circles everywhere and overdo it. Instead, they used my favorite visual – a rounded edge on photos – but not on every photo. They also echoed the circle shape other subtle ways: the “El Corazon Twenty Twenty-Two” on the title page, the subhead on page 4, and the text wraps of students’ names and grades on pages 20-21.

-written by Karen Johnson, MJE, Adviser at Lawson High School

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