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"What's Your Story?"
American Leadership Academy Ironwood High School
Amee Gonzalez, Devin Howe
Andrew Gonzalez, Lillian Plonski, Leah Shay
Walsworth representative:
Shannon Williams
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Jumping from designing a regular spread to a gatefold spread, which unfolds into much longer pages, it’s quite a leap, and the Gladius designers filled their large space with a timeline that races across the spread. The large font for the days that visually connected to their theme created a strong flow. Different-sized photos added visual variance that create an emphasis on events while the cut-outs and hand-drawn arrows told the stories of individual experiences. The design encompassed a strong balance of copy vs. visuals using small chunks of text that tell the story without taking away from the visual appeal. The designers took something very linear and added a modern flair making it upbeat and downright fun.

– written by Karen Johnson, MJE, adviser at Lawson High School

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