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    • ...
      "Just Take the Risk"
      Colonial Forge High School
      Tiffany Kopcak
      Katherine Rodriguez, Madison Douglas, Samantha Irish, Travis Rocha
      Walsworth representative:
      Brian Flamm
      CSPA Silver Crown

      In their colophon, the Colonial Forge editors said the idea behind the 2017 Apollo came while brainstorming at a Barnes and Noble during summer yearbook camp. They saw the headline “Necessary Risks” on a book, and the concept of risk being a choice for Colonial Forge students took hold. The staff took their own risks, creating three cover variations – navy blue, forest green and silver. The Sunfast font was used for headlines and played into the idea of risk by giving the design an edgy feel. Several examples from the coverage highlighted students expressing their individuality, such as a spread on adrenaline junkies or the unique items carried in backpacks.


    • 2017 <em>Apollo</em> image 2

      Pages 6-7

    • 2017 <em>Apollo</em> image 3

      Pages 60-61

    • 2017 <em>Apollo</em> image 4

      Pages 94-95

    Beyond the Cover

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