Back to 2017 President's Collection

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      "Make it Real"
      Hagerty High School
      Brit Taylor - CJE
      Caitlyn Patel
      Walsworth representatives:
      Missy Green, Adam Livesay - CJE, Tracy de la Feuilliez
      CSPA Silver Crown

      The Hagerty staff expertly documented the events of the school year in the 2017 Fusion with a yearbook that does everything well. The design is clean, simple and pleasing to the eye; there are several show-stopping photos that make the reader pause and take notice; and the chronological coverage does a wonderful job of taking the story of the year month by month to hit all the highlights.


    • 2017 <em>Fusion</em> image 2

      Pages 34-35

    • 2017 <em>Fusion</em> image 3

      Pages 56-57

    • 2017 <em>Fusion</em> image 4

      Pages 136-137

    Beyond the Cover

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