Back to 2018 President's Collection

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      Maranatha Christian School
      Sarah Shanmugam
      Jeffrey Horst
      Walsworth representative:
      Elana Sacino
      CSPA Silver Crown

      It didn’t matter to the staff of the 2018 Parousia that their school and yearbook were small. As editor Jeffrey Horst wrote in the book’s opening, “We may be small in the scheme of creation, but God created us to accomplish big things.” The book’s theme, “Effect,” represented how each of Maranatha’s 300 students had an effect on the year. The coverage divided into traditional sections, with each one represented by its own theme color. The handwritten theme font first appeared on the cover, along with a butterfly, tying back into the theme with a nod to the “butterfly effect.”


    • 2018 <em>Parousia</em> image 2

      Pages 12-13

    • 2018 <em>Parousia</em> image 3

      Pages 26-27

    • 2018 <em>Parousia</em> image 4

      Pages 46-47

    Beyond the Cover

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