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      "On Central"
      Hillsborough High School
      Joe Humphrey - MJE
      Delores Battle, Makayla Brown
      Walsworth representative:
      Sabrina Schmitz - CJE
      CSPA Silver Crown

      Tampa’s Hillsborough High School is located on Central Avenue, a historical street that plays an important role in the city’s cultural history. When the 2019 Hilsborean staff was brainstorming for a theme idea, the seniors kept coming back to an idea they had been kicking around since they were J-1 students two years earlier.

      Where can you find Hillborough students? “You’ll Find us On Central” became the theme phrase and the idea of being “On Central” lent itself perfectly to theme mods and spinoffs such as “Central Stories,” and “One Central.”

      Coverage was divided into traditional sections: student life, clubs, sports and people.; This edition of the Hilsborean doesn’t put an emphasis on the traditional school color of red, the way most past editions have – a sign the staff wanted to change it up and be unique.


    • 2019 <em>Hilsborean</em> image 2

      Pages 10-11

    • 2019 <em>Hilsborean</em> image 3

      Pages 56-57

    • 2019 <em>Hilsborean</em> image 4

      Pages 78-79

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