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      "It All Depends"
      Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
      Sarah Lerner - CJE
      Daniela Ortiz-Machado, Marian Lobaton, Rain Valladares
      Walsworth representative:
      Veronika Levine - CJE; Tamara Moore
      CSPA Gold Crown

      One year removed from the school shooting that defined them in 2018, the Aerie staff from Marjory Stoneman Douglas decided they needed to break away from that tragic event and show the world their school was about more than that one horrific day.

      The 2019 Aerie is more than 450 pages jammed full of self-expression and creativity, showing how the high school experience at Stoneman Douglas is different for every individual.

      It all started with the yearbook cover, where students got a choice of blue, red or yellow. More individuality was on display with the theme phrase, “It all depends” being incorporated throughout the book across the bottom of spreads, where students provided quotes on a variety of topics.


    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 2

      Pages 52-53

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 3

      Pages 64-65

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 4

      Pages 274-275

    Beyond the Cover

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