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    • ...
      "Tell Me About It"
      Hagerty High School
      Brit Taylor
      Shayne Watson
      Walsworth representatives:
      Missy Green, Tracy de la Feuilliez – CJE, Lauren Wilhelm
      NSPA Pacemaker Finalist

      The Hagerty staff might have done all the heavy lifting in the creation of the 2019 Fusion yearbook, but the book was absolutely told in the voice of Hagerty students.

      The opening spread is the first time readers get to walk down memory lane for the year, and they do it through a series of student quotes about moments from the year. This trend continues throughout the rest of the book’s chronological coverage, with almost every spread featuring mods or infographics with student quotes.

      Cutouts of student images were used frequently and are well done, and the staff did an excellent job of seeking out story angles unique to the year, such as current student obsessions and what students were reading this year.


    • 2019 <em>Fusion</em> image 2

      Pages 8-9

    • 2019 <em>Fusion</em> image 3

      Pages 32-33

    • 2019 <em>Fusion</em> image 4

      Pages 100-101

    Beyond the Cover

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