"Now That We Have Your Attention"
Liberty North High School
Ronna Sparks-Woodward
Delaney Pierce, Belle Zubiri
Walsworth representative:
John Kelley
CSPA Silver Crown
Technical Details:
Fonts used: Helvetica Neue (body copy and captions); Axiforma (headlines and subheads)
Color palette: Purple (R191, G90, B37), Blue (R52, G79, B115), Turquoise (C53, M0, Y27, K0), Yellow (R242, G184, B75) and Orange (R242, G98, B65)
Book specs: Size 8 created with Adobe InDesign, 10th anniversary book
Quote from the editors: "....after 10 years, we finally felt as if we were in a place of recognition of our excellence thanks to the dedication
of those who came before us."