Back to 2020 President's Collection

    • ...
      "Same Difference"
      The Benjamin Middle School
      Nick Crisafi
      Emerson Ferry, Finlay Allen
      Walsworth representative:
      Veronika Levine - CJE
      CSPA Gold Crown

      Technical Details:

      Fonts used: Anton, Chantilly, Helvetica and Enamel Brush

      Color palette: Walsworth Orange (F1050) and Black

      Book specs: Size 7 created with Online Design, cover was designed in a virtual session with artist Chuck Szachta and is four-color litho with matte finish and a clear silk screen, and features a Yearbook AR animation

      Quote from the editors: "(Our theme) can be found throughout this year's book as we compare students' tastes, desires, and aspirations in terms of lunches, music, movies and careers, just to name a few."


    • 2020 <em>Azimuth</em> image 2

      Pages 6-7

    • 2020 <em>Azimuth</em> image 3

      Pages 26-27

    • 2020 <em>Azimuth</em> image 4

      Pages 50-51

    Beyond the Cover

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