Back to 2020 President's Collection

    • ...
      "Here's What I Know"
      University High School
      Courtney Hanks - CJE
      Jordan McKendrick, Brooke Williams, Natasha Sweet
      Walsworth representatives:
      Missy Green, Tracy de la Feuilliez - CJE, Lauren Wilhelm
      CSPA Silver Crown, NSPA Pacemaker

      Technical Details:

      Fonts used: Nexus Typewriter Pro Regular, Nexus Mix Pro Regular, Chainprinter, Coolvetica Heavy

      Book specs: Size 9 created with InDesign, cover was designed by Design Editor Chloe Evers and is a four-color matte lamination with a clear silk screen

      Quote from the editors: "We had different races, ages, heights, and much more diversity but that never interfered with the bonds made over what we created here."


    • 2020 <em>Odyssey</em> image 2

      Pages 24-25

    • 2020 <em>Odyssey</em> image 3

      Pages 28-29

    • 2020 <em>Odyssey</em> image 4

      Pages 64-65

    Beyond the Cover

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