Back to 2020 President's Collection

    • ...
      "What Will They Think?"
      Cactus Canyon Junior High School
      Jason Davis - CJE
      Tiffany Hutcheson
      Walsworth representatives:
      Jen Wilson Crutcher, Shannon Williams
      CSPA Silver Crown, NSPA Pacemaker

      Technical Details:

      Fonts used: Function Pro family, Reenie Beanie

      Book specs: Size 8 created with Online Design, cover was designed by Walsworth artist Tressa Atkins and Cactus Canyon yearbook staff

      Quote from the editor: "My biggest challenge to overcome was trying to make everything perfect. At first, it was difficult to overcome this obsession that everything has to be 110 percent amazing..."

      If you would like to see more of Oro, you can in our 2020 Theme Gallery.


    • 2020 <em>Oro</em> image 2

      Pages 6-7

    • 2020 <em>Oro</em> image 3

      Pages 34-35

    • 2020 <em>Oro</em> image 4

      Pages 52-53

    Beyond the Cover

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