Back to 2020 President's Collection

    • ...
      "That's Just the Half"
      J.W. Mitchell High School
      Susan McNulty
      Eliza Kollross, Madelyn Candiloro
      Walsworth representative:
      Sabrina Schmitz - CJE
      NSPA Pacemaker Finalist

      Technical Details:

      Fonts used: Chapaza (body copy and captions), Questrian 2 (headlines), Qiba Serif (headlines) and Blue Highway (subheads)

      Color palette used: Green (C97, M0, Y70, K45), Yellow (C0, M0, Y82, K10), Blue (C87, M45, Y0, K4), Grey (C0, M0, Y0, K30), Red (C0, M77, Y77, K15)

      Book specs: Size 9 created with Adobe InDesign, cover is four-color with clear silk screen, matte lamination and sculptured embossing

      Quote from the editor: “We want people to appreciate the hours of work our students put in before they accept that certificate, plaque or medal. You don’t know the half of us, and every student has a backstory worth telling.”


    • 2020 <em>The Stampede</em> image 2

      Pages 14-15

    • 2020 <em>The Stampede</em> image 3

      Pages 40-41

    • 2020 <em>The Stampede</em> image 4

      Pages 72-73

    Beyond the Cover

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