Back to 2022 President's Collection

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      "And We're Back"
      Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
      Sarah Lerner
      Allison Grupenhoff, Maegan Pierre, Ezliabeth Sheehy, Anabela Chico, Laura Dobel, Gabrielle Fisher, Jamie Goldberg, Lybah Haque, Kylie James, Cameron Raymond, Lilliana Scopino, Keri Spiegel, Stephanie Villar, Talya Weinfeld, Yael Weinfeld
      Walsworth representatives:
      Veronika Levine, CJE

      Book Specs

      Font(s) Used: Klinic Slab, Anton

      Book Specs: 9x12, 512 pages, 100lb legend matte paper, 4-color lithograph cover with clear silk screen and embossing.

      In their own words:

      "This year we didn't focus on the past, but the past is what made this year as special as it was. We felt that focusing on COVID was overused, and frankly, no one wanted another yearbook about the pandemic and the hardships that came with it. With that in mind, we took the things that made the school what it was and highlighted them."


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      Front Endsheet

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      Title Page

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      Page 128-129

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      Page 134-135

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    Beyond the Cover

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