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      "It's All Good"
      Gulliver Preparatory Upper School Campus
      Monica Rodriguez
      Victoria Poliak and Lucie Duchene
      Walsworth representatives:
      Veronika Levine, CJE

      Book Specs

      Fonts: Louis George Cafe Light, The Bold Font, Didot, Rounded Elegance, Vogue, Helvetica Family

      Pages: 100# Legend Gloss Paper with a 150 pt board weight. 9x12.

      In their own words:

      "...although we were emerging from a pandemic and not everything was perfect, we could still find the "good" in just being together again."

      Front Endsheets

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      Title Page

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      Page 020-021

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      Page 042-043

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      Page 076-077

    Beyond the Cover

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