"Watch Us Rise"
El Dorado High School
Vanessa Martinez - CJE
Diego Cruz Castruita, James Gibson
Walsworth representative:
Lori Garcia
CSPA Crown Finalist, NSPA Pacemaker Finalist
Technical Details:
Fonts used: Gloss, Bloom, Sigana and Oswald families
Book specs: The Legend is a size 9 book that was created with Adobe Creative Cloud. The cover is a four-color matte grit with Red and Gold hot foil treatments.
Quote from the editors: “For us, tradition is important. We’ve always been the only AVID National Demonstration School in SISD and in the fall, dozens of education experts from local and national groups came to watch us achieve revalidation status for the third time in a row. As a team, we made it look easy."
You can see more of the 2024 Legend in our 2024 Theme Gallery.