Team bonding builds better yearbooks
Icebreakers and games help students bond and work together more productively. Games will also reduce stress during deadlines throughout the year. Use the “Teambuilding Through Staff Management” unit of the Yearbook Suite to get your staff working together in harmony quickly.
That unit was written by Jessica Young, adviser at Orange Glen High School in Escondido, California, who also wrote “30 Days of Icebreakers for your Yearbook Staff.” This exercise comes from that article. You can change the questions to best suit your school.
School trivia
Have students get into a small group of three to four. It’s more interesting if students don’t know everyone in their group. Give students five minutes to answer these questions. When time’s up, have groups trade answers for checking. The group with the most correct answers wins.
- What is the school’s address?
- What are the school colors?
- How many students are enrolled?
- Who is the principal?
- What year did our school open?
- When is our last day of school?
- How many lunch periods does our school have?
- How many pages is the yearbook?
- When is homecoming?
- How many weeks are in the school year?