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    • ...
      "Not Exactly, But it Works"
      University High School
      Courtney Hanks - CJE
      Emily Edwards, Jonathan Jackson
      Walsworth representatives:
      Missy Green, Tracy de la Feuilliez - CJE, Lauren Wilhelm

      The University High staff described in the colophon how last year was all about projecting confidence, but their “Not Really, But It Works” theme this year was about embracing the quirks that made them unique and even the mistakes that somehow made them more successful.

      The simple design left room for bold typography that played right into their theme. It was uneven, staggered text of varying sizes. Not exactly uniform, but it worked. They also strayed from the typical event-focused coverage to fully embrace student story-based coverage. That definitely worked and gave room for all voices to be heard.

      Black and white portraits helped balance the carefree flow of pages in the perfect mix. With exceptional photography, superb writing and savvy design, everything about this yearbook works.


    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 2

      Front Endsheet

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 3

      Title Page

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 4

      Pages 2-3

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 5

      Pages 4-5

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 6

      Pages 6-7

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 7

      Pages 16-17

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 8

      Pages 34-35

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 9

      Pages 40-41

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 10

      Pages 46-47

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 11

      Pages 106-107

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 12

      Pages 320-321

    • 2019 <em>Odyssey</em> image 13

      Pages 322-323

    Beyond the Cover

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