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      "It All Depends"
      Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
      Sarah Lerner - CJE
      Marian Lobaton, Daniela Ortiz-Machado, Rain Valladares
      Walsworth representatives:
      Veronika Levine - CJE, Tamera Moore

      The high school experience all depends on the choices one makes. Those choices have the power to define, so the Aerie staff chose to explore them, starting with their yearbook cover selection - since three options were available. More than just choices though, they recognized it all depends on your perspective, how you respond, who you are, your feelings, your level of involvement, etc.

      Three primary colors were dominant – red, blue and yellow – and often presented themselves in three circles that evoked an ellipsis feel, though the circles were prevalent throughout the book’s design. Theme-oriented modular packages included “It all depends on…” with students filling in their answer and “Have Your Say.” The lighthearted whimsical font helped keep the book lighthearted and playful, an intentional choice by the staff.

      One of the unexpected gems in the book was including 14 therapy service dogs at the end of the underclassmen portraits. These dogs also attended school alongside their human owners.


    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 2

      Front Endsheet

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 3

      Title Page

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 4

      Pages 2-3

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 5

      Pages 4-5

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 6

      Pages 22-23

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 7

      Pages 28-29

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 8

      Pages 62-63

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 9

      Pages 92-93

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 10

      Pages 288-289

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 11

      Pages 322-323

    • 2019 <em>Aerie</em> image 12

      Pages 460-461

    Beyond the Cover

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