"It's a Lot"
University High School
Courtney Kohler-Hanks - CJE
Chloe Evers, Sydney Hansen
Walsworth representative:
Tracy de la Feuillez – CJE
In their own words:
“It’s a lot.
“Nothing surprises us anymore. I mean, how could it when our AC went out the first week of school and people were slipping in the hallways? Hope Ms. Schottler’s okay.
“Or how about when our schedules literally changed overnight?
“Those temperature checks, man. They made us late at least three times this month. Those lines are always long.”
“Even our live presentations for criminal justice didn’t happen. The stupid screen froze.
“Group work? A thing of the past. Paper assignments? What are those? At least we are helping the environment.
“So much didn’t happen, but it somehow still felt like a lot. Maybe TOO much.”