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      "It's Like This"
      McKinney High School
      Alyssa Boehringer - CJE
      Sydney Caldwell, Kayla Montoya, Leah Boatman
      Walsworth representative:
      Jill Chittum - MJE

      In their own words:

      "We didn't know what this year was going to look like. We knew we were going to face challenges, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to do virtual learning for the first three weeks of school. And even when we came back, we had to social distance and wear masks.

      "One day, we would see our classmate, and the next day we learned we wouldn't see them for two weeks because they had to quarantine.

      "But some things were still familiar. Comforting even. We still had to choose between dual credit and AP classes. We still got to prick our finger for the blood lab in forensics. We still took notes and filled out college applications. We still had Mr. Bruck telling us we had "one minute to get to class." We still had football season and homecoming. We still had each other."


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      Title page

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      Pages 24-25

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      Pages 28-29

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      Pages 104-105

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      People spread

    • 2021 <em>The Lion</em> image 11

      Club/Team photos

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