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      "You Can't Stop Us"
      Millard West High School
      Mark Hilburn
      Walsworth representative:
      Greg Adams

      In their own words:

      "2020. Certainly not the 2020 vision we expected. When we always had to double check before leaving the house that we had our mask. When toilet paper companies flourished, while many small businesses were forced to close. When six feet became more than just a mere reference to those underground. When we bought hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes in bulk. One where, before, we only thought of masks as something doctors wore in the operating room.

      "A year of uncertainty, of firsts, of living day by day, never knowing what tomorrow held. A year many people experienced a global pandemic for the first time. A year unlike any other.


      "Anybody and everybody was affected by COVID-19. However, despite all of these obstacles, we looked on the bright side of the pandemic and used the new opportunities given to our advantage. Not even a pandemic could stop us."


    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 2


    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 3


    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 4

      Pages 6-7

    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 5

      Pages 14-15

    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 6


    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 7

      Pages 152-153

    • 2021 <em>Prowler</em> image 8

      People spread

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