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    • ...
      "It's the ____ for me."
      Woodland Junior High School
      Andrew Young - CJE
      Ruby Templeton
      Walsworth representative:
      Jenny Whightsil - CJE

      In their own words:

      "You've probably seen it scrolling through your 'For You' page on TikTok. Maybe you used it to roast your friends and problematic influencers. Although it's typically used to point out the negatives, who says we can't look at the positives too? How would you fill in, 'It's the _______ for me?'

      "Before we walked through the doors in August, there was ANTICIPATION and anxiety towards how the school would look in a pandemic. Even the Arkansas Department of Education was UNDECIDED about how everything would look, which is why they pushed the start date back two weeks.


      "ADJUSTMENTS were made for summer practices to take place... Volleyball players had specific partners to stand on, they even had practiced canceled one day because of COVID-19 concerns. The football team showed ENDURANCE, through the heat of July practices.

      "These are the words we chose to fill in the blanks.


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      Title page

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      Pages 14-15

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      Pages 44-45

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      Pages 60-61

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      People spread

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