"Breaking New Ground"
Kiski Area High School
Sarah Gracey, John Swanson
Bekah Fowler, Bailey Hamilton
Walsworth representative:
Cheryl Franzmann - CJE
In their own words:
"Changes defined our year with new hybrid schedules, a mask addition to the dress code, and yellow directional arrows snaking through the hallways. The years 2020 and 2021 were unprecedented. A virtual musical performed cabaret-style, no Friday night lights, and walking to bathrooms a mile-and-a-half away from the classrooms encompassed a brand new type of school.
"Difficulties infected school as we knew it, much like the contagious coronavirus itself. However, through collaboration and compassion, students and staff made the most of a tough situation. Yearbooks remained a traditional rite of passage, but 2020-2021 became anything but traditional. The yearbook staff and advisers hoped this record book served as a reflection where students 'Broke New Ground.'"