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    • ...
      "Next Level"
      Drake Middle School
      Laurel Wicke
      Charlotte Jones, Sadie Weborg
      Walsworth representative:
      Andrew Ross

      In their own words:

      "There is no exit button. This time, there are no excuses.
      For the first time, in a very long time, we're back to normal, but it's better than normal. We finally get to experience everything we've missed.
      That fall social? Totally got the costume ready! That field trip? Mom, sign here please, and pack a lunch. It's time to take it to the next level. So take that risk! We can finally ask out that person we've been simpuing over for who knows how long. Try out for that team! Learn that instrument!
      But...what if you fail? What if you play the wrong note during the big concert, or miss your cue during the play?
      What if you fall in front of everyone and drop your stuff everywhere? What if your crush rejects you? What if you bomb the test you've been studying for?
      Maybe you fail. Or maybe you win."


    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 2

      Front Endsheet

    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 3

      Title Page

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    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 7


    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 8

      Pages 68-69

    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 9

      Pages 84-85

    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 10

      Pages 96-97

    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 11

      Pages 114-115

    • 2023 Drake <em>Lair</em> image 12


    Beyond the Cover

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