Walsworth Computer Support provides customers with instructions, research
This post is part of a series highlighting the employees and departments that provide Walsworth’s outstanding customer support. You can read about the company’s customer service representatives here.
Many departments at Walsworth work together to provide an excellent customer experience. One mainstay is the Computer Support Department.
These are the technicians who are there to walk yearbook customers through complicated or technical issues. Team leader Alisa Sanders said much of the assistance they provide is for programs such as Online Design or Photoshop.
“We’re kind of a problem-solver and researcher at the same time.”
They may help an adviser load photos into Online Design, place a photo in a spread, access fonts or set up staff and permissions on their account. Later in the school year, Computer Support may train a staff on page editing or using Walsworth templates.
“We really are just basically here to help them create their yearbooks with our programs and teach them how to use the programs,” Sanders said.
Based in Brookfield, Missouri, Computer Support is a continuation of the support provided by the sales reps and customer service representatives (CSRs).
“When we’re working with customers, we’re giving them our utmost attention. We’re trying to help them and make sure the programs are working the way they want them to work,” Sanders said. “And it gives those customers satisfaction because we’re here to help when they need it.”
Without the Computer Support Department, Sanders believes the CSRs would be stretched thin trying to do the jobs of two people, which would exhaust them and detract from Walsworth’s customer service.
“Having this department really helps, so [the CSRs] don’t have to work extra overtime just to assist their customers.”
Many Computer Support employees already had InDesign and Photoshop experience before joining the team. The department also provides extensive training in programs used by the school, as well as how to research programs and updates. Even for those with experience in these programs, additional training is required for software such as the InDesign Enhancements exclusive to Walsworth.
Tag:InDesign, Online Design