
Yearbook Events
for the Whole Staff

Advisers, editors, yearbook staffers… Walsworth events are designed for everyone. Take your yearbook training beyond the school walls!

Photo by Aaliyah Rice

Adviser Academy

Join us at our virtual, adviser-only training this summer and get set up for a successful school year!
Register today

Elite Weekend

Bring your top editors to this exclusive workshop where they will develop your book’s theme and learn the latest trends.
Register now

Workshop Central

Visit our summer workshop listings and find a spot where your entire yearbook staff can get training, bond as a team and get a jump-start on next year.
Visit Workshop Central


Bring prestige to your yearbook program and go through the learning experience of entering a contest.
Learn more

Join us at our virtual, adviser-only training this summer and get set up for a successful school year!

Register today

Work with the best and prepare for the 2025 school year.

Register now

Visit our workshop central and find a workshop where your staff can learn. 

Visit workshop central 

Bring prestige to your yearbook program and go through the learning experience of entering a contest

Read more here